A Word from the Director

 The Korea Australia Arts Foundation (KAAF) was created in April 2013 by a group of Australia based Korean artists with great enthusiasm and motivation. This foundation’s main goal is to support and encourage Korean artists currently in Australia for them to enhance their capacity and capability within the field of Fine Arts to become more active, creative and involved.

 KAAF aims to liaise and work with not only Australian artists but with a vast range of artists from different ethnic backgrounds in order to discover, mutually understand and to value each and individual ethnic art. This I believe will be the key in setting a new path for implementing and creating a more deep and diverse world of Fine Arts.

 In support of this aim we will be holding annual exhibitions and art prize competitions, focus to find, develop and train potential artists within the community and endeavour to use the funds in support of creating various valuable art experiences.

 Art (or Fine Arts) can be used and treated as a worldwide “language” meaning it can be treated as a language with no communication barrier. This also means that Art can become a “window” or a tool to provide mutual understanding and appreciation for people from different cultures and lifestyles. It can also act as a temporary haven for us who live in such a materialistic world. 

Hence we will endeavour to become the broad playground for many artists to participate and to create, a haven for them to retreat, a source for support and a crucial key for active communication.

Thank you and sincerely,

Douglas Park

Board of Director - KAAF